If you are having problems with erection and libido it is useful to know what is useful for the power of men, what are the foods affect the body positively, which must be included in the food. There is a long list of dishes from food ingredients, the beneficent, which affects male sexual function. Among them you can choose from simple vegetables with fruit, or more exotic components.
What is the power
According to medical terminology, power is the ability of the organization to commit a sexual act. The definition comes from the latin potentia, which translates to the possibility of due to the male sexuality. The term includes the features:
- degree of tension of the penis;
- the speed of onset of erection;
- the duration of the sexual act and the phase of its current assets.
Which is useful for the power
Problems with sex drive cause psychological and physical factors. The latest bad omen for the flow of blood in the pelvic organs, dysfunction of the prostate, prostatitis, a reduction of the production of the hormone testosterone. For the standardization of these processes, it is important to observe the following rules:
- give body to the physical effort forces the heart to work better, increases vitality, normalizes blood circulation;
- start sports: running, cycling, walking, strength training,
- visit the bathroom – it eliminates toxins, improves blood circulation;
- get a foot massage, you can massage yourself or simply walking barefoot;
- take a contrast bath or a shower;
- conduct regular intercourse, which is essential to prevent erection problems;
- give up the junk food, alcohol, coffee, drugs, antispasmodics;
- adhere to the regime and organize a healthy sleep;
- review the power of potency in men especially, it is easier to refer to sexual activity.

The best products for the power
There are top products:
- The chocolate – biologically active of the theobromine and phenylethylamine in its composition to increase the libido. It is good to eat dark dark chocolate 65% cocoa and more. The coatings (especially the coffee) better neglected, leaving as an exception, nuts.
- The quail eggs – increase sex drive thanks to the phosphorus, iron and amino acids. Useful to have believed up to four units per day.
- Chicken eggs – the poorest of the composition compared to the quail, but it is more accessible for the power supply. The combination of the fried eggs with onion, black pepper improves the potency of men. There are raw is not recommended.
- Perga – an excellent product of beekeeping, is processed by the bees and the pollen. It is rich in proteins and carbohydrates, which helps to increase the secretion of testosterone at a good level. The daily rate reaching 10 grams, with caution, use ambrosia in case of intolerance to honey, or allergy.
Already known, which is useful for the power of men products. Remains to learn the recipes of mixtures and dishes that you need to take to improve libido:
- The combination of honey with nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Ideal flower honey, walnuts, hazelnuts, three dice, d', pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower. These can be sprout. Mix equal parts of products, add the prunes, eating 2-3 hours before bedtime. This has a positive impact on the power of men.
- Boiled mackerel, broth, bouillon, shellfish, boiled or cooked seafood. These dishes well, there is the onion sauce: fry the slices, season to taste chopped, the persil, the celery, the lemon juice and the tomato pulp. Little time let it simmer and serve.
- Cooked or baked in an oven, the tomatoes with the garlic, olive oil. The dish increases the power clearly, because it contains only useful for men products.
- Dates with d', coconut plates. Already half an hour give a beautiful effect, enhance erections, boost sexual desire of men.
Evaluation of the potency useful products
Among the wide variety of the most effective products are seafood, fish, vegetables (especially turnips). Yet proven that cicurina (camel stomach) has a positive impact on the power. What is characteristic, not only the good products, but their mode of consumption, but because the information presented below may be useful.
In the first place. Cicurina
Let's start with the fact that the stomach of a camel is considered the best product for the recovery of the strength of the men. It is only for the body, it is quite harmless. And the only drawback secuieni, is that to obtain this product is extremely difficult.
It represents? In fact, it is normal for camel stomach, only of cornwall, in a special way. The tool is accepted (it is enough, and 3 m. it is a bit like peas) 30 minutes before the sexual intercourse, or even directly in front of him, and the effect is almost immediately.
In the second place. Oysters
Are aphrodisiacs, because it is also capable of stimulating the manhood. The fact that in the seafood contain a lot of organic zinc and certain amino acids – they improve the flow of testosterone, increases the amount of seminal fluid. In addition, oysters dopamine, increases libido. It is proved that the zinc and other elements in the shells, it is in the spring time, that is to say, during the breeding season. In a word, in our case, it is preferable to use the oysters that were caught in the spring.
Due to a heat treatment of a large part of nutrients is lost, because the product is preferable to a flood. For a better taste, you can use the lemon juice – sprinkle their shellfish before meals.
As regards contra-indications, in this case, these are:
- diabetes;
- the decrease in immunity;
- low acidity;
- a disease of the liver;
- the reception antatsidov, corticosteroids.
As a more secure alternative, you can take a bath, filled to 1/3 of molluscs, consisting of the hot water. If lie down in such bath for less than an hour, the sexual function is significantly improved. And 5 procedures can cure impotence.
The third place. Flute
It is very tasty and useful, a positive effect on the work of the sexual organ. In this fish a lot balanced of protein, which is well absorbed by the body because of the small amount of connective tissue. For the fish while retaining all their properties, to prepare her need to the steam (optional, you can cook, simmer). After the transmission preparation, you need to stop the heat treatment.
The fourth place. The mackerel cooked
Contains many fatty acids omega-3 and Omega-6, which are involved in the synthesis of testosterone, but because its impact on sexuality, both men and women. If often drink the mackerel is cooked, it will increase the power and increase the production of sperm.
The fifth place. Turnip
It contains many substances that strengthen the body in general and power in particular, by increasing the production of testosterone. Improve the erection of turnip seeds, this same action is a cooked vegetable, added to meat dishes.
There is also a special therapeutic blend, which is easy to prepare: boil a large rave in 0.5 litre of cow's milk, after which grate and mix with him. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can still add 100 g of honey. This tool should take 50 g 4 times per day.
What are the products can be useful?
There are many other products which increase the power. If your power supply something of what is presented below, you will be able to get rid of erection problems without the use of the funds.
A product with a high energy value within the production of thyroxine, which, in turn, supports the excitability of the nervous centres. In the meat of a lot of nutrients and vitamins, but because it is safe to consume in case of problems with the erection.
The most useful thing of meat for the power:
- konin;
- chicken;
- beef;
- rabbit;
- the lamb;
- frog legs.
If talking about the most exotic representatives of this group, so, for those who ill-omen scallops roosters, meat, blackbirds, pheasants, as well as the bull/sheep testicles, fried with onions.
Ideally, all meat dishes, you need to simmer or steam them. He takes them with herbs or vegetables, but not with potatoes. However, if consume too much meat, you can get the opposite effect: all the forces will take to digest, with a marked pullback of sexual activity.
Berries, fruit
This includes bananas, grapes, raspberries, mangoes and other related products. They contribute to increase the libido such as fresh and dried, and still provide the body energy. Enhances the functionality of the endocrine system, including the production of sex hormones.
They have a lot of magnesium, zinc, vitamins b and E – that is to say, of the beneficial substances on the erection. In order to improve the latter, you can use a variety of nuts, walnuts, peanuts, d', etc

To get the most benefit products are to be eaten raw. It will be even better if you combine several types of nuts and combine them with honey. Also note that the most effective are cedar and nutmeg.
Represents the pollen (she has already made up of sex cells in males), in a special way processed by the bees. In perga a lot of protein, without which impossible normal sexual life. For a good power need for energy reserves, that is, you can get the pollen. It increases testosterone production, improves blood circulation in the penis. In short, the product works in an integrated manner.
To increase the power, every day, you should consume at least 10 g pollen. If you have impotence then the amount of product that you can increase the pre-before consulting a doctor.
Apply it as a main dish or side dish to the products described above. For the power best suited:
- onion (all forms);
- garlic;
- cabbage;
- pepper;
- the carrot;
- asparagus;
- radishes;
- celery.

In these vegetables of many substances that increase the libido and increase the power. Use you can raw and cooked.
The eggs of hen
The composition is a little lower, and consumption in the raw state is fraught with certain infections. But if you apply them, respecting all the hygiene standards, it will have a positive impact on the integrity of the reproductive system.
The chocolate
In the dark chocolate a lot of theobromine (the effect is similar to caffeine) and phenylethylamine (increases libido, causes a feeling of love). In addition, it contains antioxidants that improve mood. Preference should be given it is dark chocolate, containing at least 65% cocoa, and to use it only in small quantities. And here are the products excipients are not men (except with nuts).
Quail eggs
If consume each day, you can improve libido, and in a short time (approximately 60 minutes) to experience multiple orgasms. This is possible thanks to the fact that in the eggs of a lot of iron, phosphorus and amino acids. You can drink them raw if they are fresh, it will not cause disease (the body temperature of quail can be up to 40 degrees, and in such conditions, all the micro-organisms die).
Drinks that increase the power
The constant use of the beverages listed below will help you to solve the erection problem and strengthen the body in general.
- Juice of fresh fruit. The unquestionable leader is the pomegranate juice, containing nitrogen (promotes the relaxation of the circulatory system) and improves the blood circulation. Copes sex, the problems of juice of pumpkin is rich in zinc. The watermelon juice is conducive to the expansion of the vessels that the positive impact on the power. This applies also to juice all the fruits/vegetables, including lots of vitamin E. Remember that fruit juices should be, not purchased in the store!
- The ginger tea. Rich in amino acids, vitamins A, b, c, minerals, and because it contributes to the liquefaction of the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stimulates the brain activity, and toxins.
And what to say of the products, which can affect the potency?
The individual products may lead to disease, the reduction of sexual activity. It is obvious that the supply of these products is desirable to eliminate or at least reduce to a minimum. Everything that has an impact on the power, the list is impossible, so focus on the main points.
The table. This can affect the potency.
Brand | A brief description of the |
Smoke | Because of the special presence of The smoking liquid may cause damage to the eggs – main "manufacturer" of the testosterone. |
Coriander | If the exercise, little by little, you can improve the health of men, but the effect of excessive consumption will be diametrically opposite. |
Alcohol | Harm to the eggs, reduce the production of testosterone. Especially dangerous is the beer, because it is, in addition to alcohol, are also present phytoestrogens. |
Caffeine-containing beverages | The caffeine removes the free testosterone, it is recommended that in the days not to drink more than a cup of coffee. The same thing applies to energy drinks – they create is an illusion of lift, actually harm blood vessels and loaded in the heart. |
Soda | They have a lot of sugar and the so-called amplifiers of thirst, leading to dehydration. |
Products, including a lot of bad cholesterol | It is pizza, fries, and other fast-food, meat, mayonnaise and all that is good income in oil. |
The linseed oil/soya bean/corn | All of these oils are to reduce the production of testosterone. The daily rate shall not exceed 6 c. l. |
The soy | It has a lot of phytoestrogens which have the effect opposite to testosterone. Do not use soy sauce as a substitute for the meat, otherwise you may cause an inhibition of the sexual functions. |
The white bread yeast | It can also affect the sexual health. |
Milk | In such milk have estrogen – it in excessive quantities adversely affect male sexual health. Maximum daily – 1 l. |
Finally, we note that, apart from these, men, the creditworthiness may affect negative of the excess of salt, sugar and other substances of which man has need of all the days.